This was the beginning...
When the Amelia Earhart Playhouse in Wiesbaden unexpectedly had to cancel its 2010 Christmas production, a group appeared under the pseudonym of "The Wiesbaden Radio Players" and put together Wiesbaden's first live English language radio production. The script of choice was a radio adaptation of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" - a show that the director of the group, Mat Braun, had staged in a traditional form just three years before. And let's be honest: who doesn't like "A Christmas Carol"?
The production proved to be a tremendous success and because of the high demand for tickets, an extra matinee performance had to be added!
The cast included Brian Buckley, Dan Carr, Delaney Carr, Sanja Chiles, Anna Gardner, Harvey Gerry, Keith D. Greenleaf, Dr. Vivla Ray Hill, Thomas Glenn Hill, Jackie Leverett, Julee Mitchell, Nicole Mitchell, Mike Riepl and Tracy Sherman.